Crain Buick GMC of Springdale

May 26, 2022

To stay safe on the road, few maintenance procedures matter more than regular brake service. As rare as it is, brake failure still causes 300,000 road accidents per year in the US. Most of these accidents are due to incautious drivers allowing their braking systems to deteriorate over time. To keep your brakes fresh and functional, let’s take a look at how often to visit your local Buick or GMC dealer for a brake inspection.

How Often Should You Get Brake Service for Your Buick or GMC?

It Depends on Your Driving Conditions

Most drivers have their brakes inspected every time they take their vehicle in for an oil change or tire rotation. This kind of twice-a-year schedule is ideal as it’s easy to stick to. Once a year is also considered a safe routine to follow for the majority of drivers. But if you’re usually driving in conditions that require excessive braking, consider having your brakes inspected more frequently.

One example of excessive-braking conditions is daily commuting through heavy traffic that has your foot constantly pressing the pedal. This will cause your brake pads to wear down far more rapidly, and it might even lead to occasional overheating and rotor damage. Mountainous roads with long downhill stretches also put a lot of strain on your brakes, as do winding hilly roads with many sharp turns.

Do You Have a Brake-Heavy Driving Style?

Even the driving style of individual drivers makes a difference in how quickly their brakes wear down. If you find yourself hard braking often, then your brake pads and rotors will feel the pressure. One way to adopt a more brake-friendly habit is to take your foot off the gas and gently decelerate long in advance of traffic lights and other stops, so you barely need the brake pedal at all when you reach the stop.

Ask Your GMC Dealer for Guidance

It’s interesting how much an experienced technician can tell about your driving style from their regular inspections of your car. A local technician will also know the surrounding roads well and will be able to tell you if it’s an environment that promotes heavy braking or not.

Keep an Eye Out for Brake Problems

Never ignore signs of brake trouble. If you notice any of the following indicators of worn down or faulty brakes, have a professional take a look as soon as possible.

High-Pitched Squealing Sounds

Your brake pads wear down a little every time you slow your car. When the top frictional layer of a pad has worn down too much, it will begin to emit a high-pitched squealing sound whenever you stop. This is a surefire sign the pad needs replacing.

Strange Vibrations

If you feel odd vibrations when you press on the pedal, one of your rotors might be warped or damaged. You’ll have to get it resurfaced or replaced as soon as possible.

Sluggish Braking

The most disconcerting indication of failing brakes is when you press the pedal and your car doesn’t stop as rapidly as it should. This is known as brake fade, which might point to temporary overheating or something more serious. If you ever experience brake fade, pull over and allow your brakes to cool down. If the problem persists, have a trusted technician take a look.

To have your brakes inspected and repaired by experienced professionals, visit Crain Buick GMC of Springdale. We’re the region’s number one dealership for Buick and GMC vehicles.

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay